

More info
Trade Public every 2 years


About the event
Countries 120
Exhibitors 1,700
Exhibition space 100,000 sqm
Visitors 70,000

EFA Trade Fair for Building Systems Electrical Engineering Light Air Conditioning and Automation is an international trade fair for building systems, electrical engineering, light, air conditioning and automation. The event is held annually in Munich, Germany. It is one of the leading trade fairs in the world in its field. In 2023, the fair attracted over 70,000 visitors from over 120 countries. Over 1,700 exhibitors presented their products and services on an exhibition area of over 100,000 square meters. The EFA Trade Fair is an important platform for the industry to present new products and services, exchange ideas and network with potential customers. The fair also offers a comprehensive program of supporting events, such as conferences, workshops and seminars.

Electrical & Electro technical Engineering Building & Construction Heating - Air Conditioning Industrial Controllers Security - Risk Management Household Appliances - Domestic Appliance Technology

Next event

# Venue Confirmed / Pending Information
1 23-Sep-2025 / 25-Sep-2025

Exhibition Centre Leipzig
Messe-Allee 1 D-04356 Leipzig Germany
Inbox +49 341 678 8180 +49 341 678 8182 www