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About the event
Countries 80
Exhibitors 500
Visitors 12,000

PCIM Europe is one of the world’s leading exhibitions and conferences for power electronics, intelligent motion, renewable energy, and energy management. The event brings together industry experts, researchers, and decision-makers to showcase the latest technologies and trends in these fields.

PCIM Europe features over 500 exhibitors from around the globe, showcasing their latest products and solutions. The conference program includes over 200 technical presentations, covering a wide range of topics related to power electronics, renewable energy, and energy management.

In 2023, PCIM Europe attracted over 12,000 visitors from over 80 countries. The event is an essential platform for networking, staying up-to-date on the latest industry trends, and exploring new technologies.

Power electronics Electrical & Electro technical Engineering Industrial Controllers Clean Energies - Renewable Energies Energy Production & Transportation

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