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General Public once a year


About the event
Million (USD) in business transactions 13

The VIAN SUMMIT is an event dedicated to the protection of forests in the world and the fight against deforestation.

Forests play a vital role in regulating the climate, protecting biodiversity, and providing livelihoods for millions of people. However, deforestation continues to be a major problem, with an estimated 13 million hectares of forest lost each year.

The VIAN SUMMIT brings together experts from around the world to discuss the latest developments in forest conservation and to identify solutions to the challenges facing forests today. The event includes keynote speeches, panel discussions, and workshops on a variety of topics, including:

• The causes of deforestation
• The impacts of deforestation
• Solutions to deforestation
• The role of forests in climate change mitigation
• The role of forests in biodiversity conservation
• The role of forests in sustainable development

The VIAN SUMMIT is an important event for anyone who is interested in forest conservation. The event provides a unique opportunity to learn from experts in the field and to network with other people who are working to protect forests around the world.

Environmental Protection Solidarity - Social Assistance - Volunteering Forestry Industries

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