

More info
Trade Public once a year


About the event
Million (USD) in business transactions 100

Denim Show Delhi is the leading denim trade show in India. It provides a platform for denim manufacturers, suppliers, and brands to showcase their latest products and innovations. The show also features a variety of educational seminars and workshops on the latest trends in denim design and manufacturing.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Denim Show Delhi include:

-Number of exhibitors: 200+
-Number of visitors: 10,000+
-Number of countries represented: 20+
-Amount of business generated: $100 million+

Denim Show Delhi is a must-attend event for anyone involved in the denim industry. It is the perfect opportunity to network with potential customers and partners, learn about the latest trends in denim design and manufacturing, and see the latest products and innovations from the world's leading denim brands.

Fabrics - Clothing Textiles Clothing Machines Fashion - Clothing

Next event

# Venue Confirmed / Pending Information
1 01-Aug-2024 / 03-Aug-2024

Pragati Maidan
Near Delhi Zoological Park Mathura Road Delhi India
Inbox +91 11 23371540 +91 11 23371492 www